Назначение - комбинированная выработка электроэнергии и тепла для обеспечения
потребителей Московского региона. Филиал АО «ТЭК Мосэнерго» - «Мосэнергопроект» выступил генеральным
проектировщиком, выполнив весь комплекс проектно-изыскательских работ
Solution of a wide range of tasks on objects construction
Engineering services
Engineering services inlude a wide range of works that ensure the high-quality performance of tasks for the construction of objects of varying degrees of complexity:
Tender organization
Data collection and analysis
Development and coordination of technical tasks
Preparation of the necessary documentation
state expertise in accordance with the legislation on urban development
construction design supervision
Other essential work
Mosenergoproekt’s highly qualified specialists provide full support of the design project from the moment the order is received to its commissioning.