Комплексное проектирование энергообъектов

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Назначение - комбинированная выработка электроэнергии и тепла для обеспечения потребителей Московского региона. Филиал АО «ТЭК Мосэнерго» - «Мосэнергопроект» выступил генеральным проектировщиком, выполнив весь комплекс проектно-изыскательских работ

Состав основного оборудования ПГУ-420Т:
  • Газовая турбина SGT5-4000F (Siemens)
  • Генератор газовой турбины TLRI SGen5-1000A (Siemens)
  • Паровая турбина SST5-5000 (Siemens)
  • Генератор паровой турбины TLRI SGen5-100A-2P (Siemens)
  • Котел-утилизатор
    Еп-264/297/43-13,0/3,0/0,47-558/558/297-11,6вв (ОАО «ЭМАльянс»)
  • Вентиляторная градирня ID 23000-181-6-170 (SPIG)
Мощность энергоблока ПГУ-420Т:
  • электрическая - 420 МВт
  • тепловая - 195 Гкал/ч

Complex design of power facilities

MEP LLC structure allows to carry out complex professional work on the design of thermal power stations, substations, and boiler stations of any degree of complexity, as well as on the development of design documentation for thermal and electrical networks.

We will promptly and professionally develop the necessary design and technical documentation for construction works at electric power facilities:

  • Construction Organization Plan.
  • Electrotechnical and thermotechnical design
  • Development of the design of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems.
  • Development and design of the automation section of control and instrumentation systems.
  • Design of communication networks.
  • Complex design project of security and fire safety systems.
  • Development of individual sections of the design project – SMIS, civil defense, and emergency.
  • Drawing up a declaration on production, industrial, and fire safety.
  • Establishment of justified regulations for waste disposal during construction and demolition work.
The design and technical documentation includes the estimated justification and detailing of all project parts at all stages of construction, including construction design supervision. Our company also provides design project support services during state expertise and pre-investment studies (development of a feasibility study).
