Назначение - комбинированная выработка электроэнергии и тепла для обеспечения
потребителей Московского региона. Филиал АО «ТЭК Мосэнерго» - «Мосэнергопроект» выступил генеральным
проектировщиком, выполнив весь комплекс проектно-изыскательских работ
All employees are focused on the result; mutual assistance of all units; responsive, ‘mobile’ leadership, allowing the employees to work and achieve their goals.
Procenko Elena Nikolaevna
Head of Technical Department
MEP is a team of like-minded people. Our principle is to always help colleagues in work within the limits of our knowledge and skills.
Nekrasov Oleg Vladimirovich
Head of Heat Engineering Department
Designing is a real theory science and a highly intellectual work! A working facility of large electric or heat generation, which we depicted in our drawings, makes us very proud.
Elshina Ol'ga Viktorovna
Head of Documentation Department
Together we can do a lot. There is nothing unattainable and unrealizable. It’s all up to us. I just love my job, and my job loves me.