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Назначение - комбинированная выработка электроэнергии и тепла для обеспечения потребителей Московского региона. Филиал АО «ТЭК Мосэнерго» - «Мосэнергопроект» выступил генеральным проектировщиком, выполнив весь комплекс проектно-изыскательских работ

Состав основного оборудования ПГУ-420Т:
  • Газовая турбина SGT5-4000F (Siemens)
  • Генератор газовой турбины TLRI SGen5-1000A (Siemens)
  • Паровая турбина SST5-5000 (Siemens)
  • Генератор паровой турбины TLRI SGen5-100A-2P (Siemens)
  • Котел-утилизатор
    Еп-264/297/43-13,0/3,0/0,47-558/558/297-11,6вв (ОАО «ЭМАльянс»)
  • Вентиляторная градирня ID 23000-181-6-170 (SPIG)
Мощность энергоблока ПГУ-420Т:
  • электрическая - 420 МВт
  • тепловая - 195 Гкал/ч

Friendly atmosphere

We are striving to create not just a team of employees, but a team of like-minded people who together meet the challenges and support each other. Therefore, much attention is paid to internal communications in our company.

Our events

Together we celebrate holidays, arrange joint entertainment events (ice skating, shooting at a shooting range, weekend trekking, excursions, etc.), arrange workshops in the office, and represent our company in partner sports and intellectual games.


We pay much attention to training, both professional and personal. Our employees regularly attend profile events, as well as organize their own lectures for colleagues, sharing their skills and experience. In addition, we regularly organize excursions to our facilities (CHP, SDPP, and HPP) and to the offices of our partners in order to exchange experiences.

Charity and volunteering

An important part of our corporate life is charity and volunteering. We regularly organize the collection of necessary items for the needy, take part in charity events, cooperate with foundations, and volunteer in social projects.