Назначение - комбинированная выработка электроэнергии и тепла для обеспечения потребителей Московского региона. Филиал АО «ТЭК Мосэнерго» - «Мосэнергопроект» выступил генеральным проектировщиком, выполнив весь комплекс проектно-изыскательских работ
A leader in the market of designing power facilities
in December 1922, as part of the implementation of the GOELRO plan (‘State Commission for Electrification of Russia’), a design bureau consisting of four people was established under the Moscow Association of State Power Stations.
History of the InstituteAt the moment, the company has more than 270 employees.
development of design and project documentation for new construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and modernization of combined heat and power plants, thermal power plants and heat network facilities, closed and open 110 kV and 220 kV electric substations, and air and cable power lines.